What is the loop that forms after many iterations when the initial value of g

is 1.7? What is the loop that forms after many iterations when the initial value of g
is 1.72?

did u ever find the answer to this

To determine the loop that forms after many iterations, we need more information about the specific algorithm or mathematical formula being used. Without this additional information, it is not possible to provide a specific answer. If you can provide more details about the algorithm or mathematical formula, I will be able to assist you in finding the loop that forms.

To determine the loop that forms after many iterations when the initial value of "g" is 1.7 or 1.72, we need more information about the underlying process or equation you are referring to. There are various mathematical or computational models that involve iterative loops, such as fixed-point iterations, Newton's method, or chaotic systems like the logistic map.

If you can provide more context or specify the equation or process involved, I would be happy to explain how to determine the loop that forms after many iterations for a given initial value of "g".

I expect some information about g will help ...