cooking oil, a non-polar liquid, has a boiling point in excess of 200 degrees Celsius. Water boils at 100 degrees. how can you explain these facts, given the strength of water's hydrogen bonding?

Stronger intramolecular bonding means higher temp to release the bonds.

Please explain

higher temp provides more kinetic energy to molecules which allows them to vibrate apart in the liquid, and make vapor. We call that boiling.

To explain the difference in boiling points between cooking oil and water, we need to consider the nature of their molecular interactions.

Water is a highly polar molecule, meaning it has a partial positive charge at one end (hydrogen) and a partial negative charge at the other end (oxygen). This polarity gives water strong hydrogen bonding between its molecules. The hydrogen bonding intermolecular forces are responsible for water's unique properties, such as high boiling point, surface tension, and solvent capabilities.

On the other hand, cooking oil consists of non-polar molecules, such as triglycerides. Non-polar molecules do not have a significant difference in electronegativity between atoms, resulting in no permanent dipole moments and weak intermolecular forces. Instead, non-polar molecules experience relatively weak van der Waals forces, which are weaker than hydrogen bonding.

The higher boiling point of cooking oil compared to water can be attributed to the strength of their intermolecular forces. The hydrogen bonding in water is strong and requires more energy to break the hydrogen bonds between its molecules, resulting in a higher boiling point of 100 degrees Celsius. In contrast, cooking oil's weak van der Waals forces require much less energy to overcome, hence its higher boiling point in excess of 200 degrees Celsius.

In summary, the difference in boiling points arises from the strength of intermolecular forces: water's strong hydrogen bonding compared to cooking oil's weak van der Waals forces.