Jesse bought 10 more pencils than erasers. A pencil costs $0.15, and an eraser costs $0.22. He paid a total of $4.46. How many erasers did Jesse buy?

~I got some help and ended up here
22x+14(x+10)=446 I just don't know how to solve the rest of the problem do I just factor it out and got 8.5.I don't know how to get the amount of erasers he she/he bought.

p = e + 10

15 p + 22 e = 446

15 (e + 10) + 22 e = 446

37 e = 296

Expand and simplify does not work.

Instead, refer to the prices.
15(x+10)+22x = 446
15x+150+22x = 446 (15*x + 15*10)
15x+22x = 446-150
37x = 296
x = 296/37
x = # of erasers bought = 8

To find out how many erasers Jesse bought, you need to solve the equation you've written and solve for x.

Let's break down the equation step by step:

22x + 14(x + 10) = 446

First, distribute 14 to the terms inside the parenthesis:

22x + 14x + 140 = 446

Combine like terms:

36x + 140 = 446

Next, subtract 140 from both sides of the equation to isolate the variable term:

36x = 446 - 140
36x = 306

Finally, divide both sides of the equation by 36 to solve for x:

x = 306 / 36
x ≈ 8.5

So, the variable x represents the number of pencils Jesse bought. Since the problem states that he bought 10 more pencils than erasers, you can add 10 to x to find the number of erasers:

Number of pencils = 8.5
Number of erasers = 8.5 + 10 = 18.5

However, it is not possible to have a fractional part of an eraser or pencil. Therefore, the number of erasers Jesse bought must be a whole number. Please double-check the given information or the calculations made to find any discrepancies.

Jesse bought 8 erasers.

1.76+2.7 = 4.46$