The sum of ages of Sam ang thomas is 27 years. Seven years ago, Toma's was three years more than one fourth as old as Sam. Find their present ages

s+t = 27

t-7 = 3+(s-7)/4


To find their present ages, let's assign variables:

Let S be the age of Sam.
Let T be the age of Thomas.

We have two equations given:

1. The sum of the ages of Sam and Thomas is 27:
S + T = 27

2. Seven years ago, Thomas's age was three years more than one fourth of Sam's age:
T - 7 = (1/4)(S - 7) + 3

Now, let's solve the equations:

Equation 1: S + T = 27

Equation 2: T - 7 = (1/4)(S - 7) + 3

To solve this system of equations, we can use substitution or elimination method. In this case, let's use the substitution method:

From Equation 1, we can express T in terms of S:
T = 27 - S

Substituting this value of T into Equation 2:
27 - S - 7 = (1/4)(S - 7) + 3

Combine like terms:
20 - S = (1/4)(S - 7) + 3

Next, let's get rid of the fraction by multiplying both sides of the equation by 4 to simplify:

4(20 - S) = 4[(1/4)(S - 7) + 3]

80 - 4S = S - 7 + 12

Combine like terms:
80 - 4S = S + 5

Move all terms containing S to the left side:
80 - 5 = S + 4S

75 = 5S

Divide by 5:
S = 15

Now that we have found the age of Sam to be 15, we can substitute this value back into Equation 1 to find the age of Thomas:

15 + T = 27
T = 27 - 15
T = 12

So, the present age of Sam is 15 years, and the present age of Thomas is 12 years.