Which did exploredo Mississippi

Are you asking who explored the Mississippi River?

Isn't your subject History?

I don't know what you're asking. I don't remember studying Mississippi in algebra class. If your subject is history, as Ms. Sue suggests, you may find an answer here:


The Mississippi River was explored by several individuals throughout history. One of the most famous and earliest explorers of the Mississippi River was Hernando de Soto, a Spanish conquistador, who explored it in the early 16th century.

To learn more about the exploration of the Mississippi River, you can use various resources:

1. Books: Look for books on the history of exploration in North America or specifically on the exploration of the Mississippi River. Some recommended titles are "Exploration of the Mississippi River: Early American Expeditions" by John Logan Allen and "The Mississippi River in Maps & Views: From Lake Itasca to the Gulf of Mexico" by Robert A. Holland.

2. Online Research: Utilize search engines like Google to find articles, academic papers, or online sources specifically about the exploration of the Mississippi River. Be sure to verify the credibility of the source before relying on the information.

3. Historical Archives: Access online databases or visit local libraries or historical societies that may have archives related to the exploration of the Mississippi River. These archives can provide firsthand accounts, journals, maps, and other primary sources.

By consulting these resources, you should be able to gather more detailed information about the exploration of the Mississippi River and the explorers involved.