1. In what type of rocks would geologists most likely find evidence of past life forms?

igneous rocks

metamorphic rocks
volcanic rocks
sedimentary rocks**

2. The physical, chemical, and biological laws that operate today have also operated in the
geologic past. This statement relates to the principle of ____.

cross­cutting relationships

3. In general, the law of superposition states that in an undeformed sequence of sedimentary
rocks, each layer is ____.

basically the same age
older than the one above it
older than the one below it*
thicker than the one above it

4. If a layer of sandstone is in contact with a mass of granite that contains small pieces of the sandstone, which rock is older?

the sandstone
the granite**
Both are the same age.
It is not possible to determine which rock is older from this information.

5. What type of unconformity consists of tilted sedimentary rocks that are overlain by younger,
more flat­lying sedimentary rocks?

angular unconformity

6. What determines the type of fossil that is formed?
the conditions under which the organism was metamorphosed and how it was buried**
the conditions under which the organism died and how it lived
the conditions under which the organism died and how it was buried
the conditions under which the organism lived and how it was buried

7. Organisms with hard parts stand a good chance of being fossilized if they are ____.
rapidly decomposed by bacteria
slowly buried by sediments**
rapidly eaten by scavengers
rapidly buried by sediments

8. Which of these organisms would have the best chance of becoming part of the fossil record?

Someone help I know my answers are wrong, give me the right ones!!!!


Correct as of 4:00 PM 1/26/2017

Rethink 3

Derp, thank you soooooo much!!!!! 100% Correct!!!I Luv You!!

Based on the information provided, here are the correct answers:

1. In what type of rocks would geologists most likely find evidence of past life forms?
Answer: sedimentary rocks

2. The physical, chemical, and biological laws that operate today have also operated in the geologic past. This statement relates to the principle of ____.
Answer: uniformitarianism

3. In general, the law of superposition states that in an undeformed sequence of sedimentary rocks, each layer is ____.
Answer: older than the one above it

4. If a layer of sandstone is in contact with a mass of granite that contains small pieces of the sandstone, which rock is older?
Answer: the granite

5. What type of unconformity consists of tilted sedimentary rocks that are overlain by younger, more flat-lying sedimentary rocks?
Answer: angular unconformity

6. What determines the type of fossil that is formed?
Answer: the conditions under which the organism died and how it was buried

7. Organisms with hard parts stand a good chance of being fossilized if they are ____.
Answer: slowly buried by sediments

8. Which of these organisms would have the best chance of becoming part of the fossil record?
Answer: fish