–5p > –55

I have no idea what this means, im assuming I have to find p but i dont know even.. how to find p??? theres no instructions on how/what to do so if someone could explain to me what this is I would appreciate it soooo much

–5p > –55

Minus 5 times an unknown is greater than minus 55.

p > -55/-5
p > 11


Oh thank you so much

You are very welcome.

When you multiply or divide an inequation by a negative number the inequality sign must be reversed.

-5 < 4 is a true statement, but
when I multiply be -1, the statement
5 < -4 would be false
but 5 > -4 makes it true, so .....

-5p > -55
divide both sides by -5

p < 11

Reiny is right. I forgot to change the sign.

Thank you Reiny and Ms. Sue I got it now and can do other similar problems myself ((:

you are both welcome