What is an example of thinking in an exclusive way, which may inhibit the process of intellectual growth and moral development?

Lack of intellectual growth, and moral development? A narcissist examining the world around him. We had that during the last presidential campaign, and it still abounds on Twitter.

That is a perfect example of thinking in an exclusive way.

Just one example: a deeply held belief that only people of white European ancestry are intelligent, as "white supremacists" say they believe. That precludes the idea that people of other ancestry can be of equal value to society and precludes learning anything that contradicts that belief. Any such belief, with no empirical evidence to support it, may preclude learning and moral development. If one believes that thunder is caused by God playing ten-pins, one may not be open to scientific explanations of how thunder occurs.

In criminal justice, a juror who believes all young black men are thugs at heart may prompt the juror to vote to convict even if the defendant probably didn't steal that particular candy bar. He's probably guilty of SOMETHING bad, so lock him up!

An example of thinking in an exclusive way that may inhibit the process of intellectual growth and moral development is engaging in extreme black-and-white thinking or dichotomous thinking.

To explain how to get the answer to this question, let's break it down into steps:

Step 1: Understand the meaning of exclusive thinking
Exclusive thinking refers to a mindset that focuses on dividing ideas, opinions, or situations into strict categories of right vs. wrong, good vs. bad, or us vs. them. It often dismisses alternative perspectives or possibilities, leading to a narrow-minded approach.

Step 2: Recognize the inhibiting effects on intellectual growth
Exclusive thinking limits intellectual growth by restricting one's ability to consider different viewpoints, challenge preconceived notions, or engage in critical thinking. It discourages exploration of complex topics and hinders the acquisition of new knowledge or ideas.

Step 3: Understand the inhibiting effects on moral development
Exclusive thinking can impede moral development by preventing individuals from developing empathy and understanding for others. It may result in a lack of tolerance, compassion, or openness to different values, beliefs, or experiences, hindering moral growth and ethical decision-making.

Step 4: Identify an example of exclusive thinking
One example of exclusive thinking is someone who rigidly adheres to a particular political ideology without considering alternative perspectives or engaging in open-minded discussions. They may classify anyone who disagrees as "wrong" or "deluded" without critically examining the merits or weaknesses of different ideas. This type of thinking inhibits both intellectual growth and moral development by limiting exposure to diverse viewpoints and impeding the ability to empathize with others.

In summary, exclusive thinking, such as extreme black-and-white thinking, can inhibit intellectual growth and moral development by limiting one's ability to consider different perspectives, explore complex topics, and empathize with others. It is important to promote open-mindedness, critical thinking, and empathy to foster intellectual and moral growth.