what type of power does the constitution grant to the supreme court?

A)executive power
B)federal power
C)Judicial power
D)legislative power***

Which are examples of judicial restraint in the supreme Court ? Select all the apply
A)The verdict overturns the lower court's ruling and sets a new president
B)The verdict is narrowly for the defendant letting the previous verdict stand
C)The court uses previous cases as examples of what to follow in their verdict
D)The court decides that the law must be rewritten to provide civil liberities for all**
E)The court refuses to hear a case

Please go back and read your text, again and again if need be.

No more guessing.

OR ...

Read Article III for your first question.

And for your second question ...

For the first question, the answer is C) Judicial power.

To answer this question, you need to be familiar with the powers granted to each branch of the United States government as outlined in the Constitution. In this case, the power granted to the Supreme Court is explained in Article III of the Constitution, which establishes the judicial branch. The Constitution grants the Supreme Court the power of judicial review, which means it has the authority to interpret and apply the law. This power allows the Supreme Court to review the constitutionality of laws, make judgments in cases brought before it, and establish legal precedents.

For the second question, the examples of judicial restraint in the Supreme Court are:

B) The verdict is narrowly for the defendant, letting the previous verdict stand.
C) The court uses previous cases as examples of what to follow in their verdict.
E) The court refuses to hear a case.

Judicial restraint refers to the practice where the court shows deference to the decisions made by the other branches of government or takes a cautious approach in interpreting and applying the law. By choosing options B, C, and E, you are selecting scenarios where the Supreme Court exercises self-restraint by either preserving previous decisions, following precedents, or declining to intervene in certain cases. Option A involves overturning a lower court ruling and setting a new precedent, which is an example of judicial activism. Option D involves rewriting a law, which is a function reserved for the legislature, indicating a legislative power rather than judicial restraint.