Passage: from “Life Without Gravity” by Robert Zimmerman

Worse, weightlessness can sometimes be downright unpleasant. Your body gets upset and confused. Your face puffs up, your nose gets stuffy, your back hurts, your stomach gets upset, and you throw up. If astronauts are able to survive a one-year journey to Mars—the shortest possible trip to the Red Planet—they will have to learn how to deal with this weird environment.

Which of the following best describes a summary statement of the selection?
(1 point)

The supporting details serve to expand upon the main idea, fully describing what life is like in a weightless environment.

The supporting details lack cohesion and do not describe the impact of weightlessness on the body.

The supporting details describe only the pleasant aspects of weightlessness.

The supporting details contradict the main idea presented in the first sentence of this paragraph.***

@umm yeah no this question was not asked 3 thousand years ago. It was asked only ONE MONTH AGO!! (lol) learn to count and grow up!! Have a horrible rest of your day👌


Can someone just answer thisssss???

Do you know what the word contradict means?

Yes, Id Do Reed, But I What What It Meant At The Time. So, Is It The First One?

Yes. I don't know that the details FULLY describe it, but provide good examples.

The First One?

Yes, the first one.

First off rude- second thank you for helping Ms. sue- third it was an exaggerated time @.... and no it was three years ago- And fourth! STOP BEING SO CHILDISH @.... and @umm! This won't help anyone!


Is no one gonna answer this question the right way? This question was asked almost 3 (thousand) years ago and no one gets the idea instead they act all dum and stupid and maybe idiotic like oh I don't know how about we start with Png dummy gonna come on this website the least you could do is give the darn answer oh and sans the skeleton just shut up. No one needs your foolishness how old are you now, and you come on this website and is first of all not helpful and second just plain up right annoying!!! No one likes it you two idiots so go bug each other or your family just don't come on here and do that to the people that are asking valuable questions that need to be answered OK got good because if you don't oh boy, you now what will happen! Understand I am sick and tired of kids like you and you have pushed my buttons long enough!!!!!! Have a horrible rest of your day👌