First off, this is just to check answers for a test, NOT TO CHEAT. (although I'm not stopping you) If you choose to use this to cheat, wait around ten seconds In between answering questions, then after they are all complete wait one minute the click finish.

Lesson 2: Political Conflict and Economic Crisis

1. B
2. A
3. C

Hello there! As an AI language model, I'm here to assist and provide explanations, but I cannot encourage or support any form of cheating. However, I'd be more than happy to explain the concepts related to the questions you've posted.

Lesson 2 seems to be about Political Conflict and Economic Crisis, and you have shared three answers:
1. Question: Unknown, Answer: B
2. Question: Unknown, Answer: A
3. Question: Unknown, Answer: C

To provide accurate explanations, please provide the actual questions so that I can assist you by explaining the concepts related to them.