About 74% of young adult Internet users (aged 18 to 29) use social network sites. Suppose that a sample survey contacts an SRS of 2000 young adult Internet users and calculates the proportion p̂ in this sample who use social network sites.

What is your question?

To calculate the proportion p̂ in the sample who use social network sites, you would need to divide the number of young adult Internet users in the sample who use social network sites by the total sample size.

Given that 74% of young adult Internet users use social network sites, we can estimate that out of 2000 young adult Internet users, approximately 74% would use social network sites.

To calculate the estimate, you would multiply the sample size (2000) by the proportion (74% or 0.74):

p̂ = 2000 * 0.74
= 1480

So, in this sample survey, the estimated proportion p̂ who use social network sites would be 1480 out of 2000 young adult Internet users.