We need assistance solving

3 + 2(k+1) = 6 + 3k

I know the 2(k+1) has to become 2k + 2

then we have 3 + 2k + 2 = 6 + 3k
then we can subtract 3k from both sides to get
3 +2k + 2 - 3K = 6
But can I combine the 3+2 on the left
and the 2k - 3k to get -1k?

leaving us with 5 -1k = 6
-1k = 6-5
-1k = 1
k = -1

Great! You are correct!

Thank you! I had figured it out four ways the wrong way. Don't know what I'm doing wrong. Think it may have to do with the MiDAS rule or something but cannot figure it out.

PEMDAS is the order of operations!

(Please excuse my dear Aunt Sally = PEMDAS mnemonic = easier to remember)


5/6t + 4 = 2 - 1/6t

Is the best thing to do first in this case to get rid of the fractions? Should I turn them into decimals or multiply both sides by 6? And when I multiply by 6, do I multiply each factor by 6. SO it becomes

5t + 4(6) = 2(6) -t

What is The Answer To This Question Below?

Evaluate (m-3.2)(m+4.1)when m=-4.1

how do i solve the problem3(z-2)+6=5(z+4)

z/6 + 11 > -49

This is my problem for homework and I don't know how to do it. My teacher showed us but I guess it didn't get throw to me. ?????????????? Help

what is the answer to.. round the difference of two hundred and seven-tenths and one hundred twenty-nine and nine tenths to the nearest whole number?

the key is to try its very clear. Just use your distributive property when its ilke 3(3*4) . Your just nervous because it looks like a big problem

66 2/3 of 120?

12 . -12 = p

I have a problem solving a math problem in my sons math book. We have figured out all except this one. Please Help.. I need to insert parentheses to make this xpression equial 20


Thank You....

how to simplify 2p+22q squared-p


i like chicken

that is not a legitiment question

The Answer is: Chicken Wings

haha fantastic -_-