A Solution Has A PH Of 3.4.What Is Its Hydrogen Ion Concentration?


Did you just copy from New school chemistry, page 105? How did 3.4 become 4.6?

pH =-log (3.4)

Log10[H+]= -(3.4)
[H+] = antilog -3.4
= 0.000398 mol dm-3

A solution has a pH 3.4 what is the hydrogen concentration


How do you solve for the H+ that gave you4.0+0.6 that's confusing

I put 45.1 as an answer to a different question. The real answer is 0.000398.

The pH of a given solution is 3.4. what's the ht

pH = -log(H^+)

Substitute and solve.

A solution has a pH of 3.4 whant is the hydrogen concentration

The explanation is not clear

Since pH is equal to _logbase10 (H +)

We have 3.4 =_log(h+)
There4 log [h+]=-3.4=-4.0+0.6=4.6
There4 [H+]= anti log 4.6
= 4*10^4 mol dm^-3

please how did you get -4.0×0.6



pH =-log (h+

pH =-log (3.4)
pH = -(3.4)
pH =-3.4