The principal quantum number (n):

A) specifies the subshell of the orbital.

B) specifies the principal shell of the orbital.

C) specifies the 3-D shape of the orbital.

D) specifies the maximum number of electrons.

E) none of the above

specifies the principal shell of the orbital, however, I would not use the word "shell", as it orbital level is a better term. Surely you are not being taught that electrons are "orbiting" the nucleus like tiny planets. Electrons can be any of those "orbitals", anywhere at any time, and the location at one point of time is not predictive of location an instant later. They are not in orbits.

B) specifies the principal shell of the orbital.

The correct answer is B) specifies the principal shell of the orbital.

To explain how to get the answer, we need to understand the concept of principal quantum numbers. The principal quantum number (n) is one of the four quantum numbers used to describe the energy levels and electron configurations of atoms. It determines the size and energy of an orbital, or the distance of an electron from the nucleus.

The principal quantum number (n) can have integer values starting from 1 and increasing consecutively (1, 2, 3, and so on). Each value of n corresponds to a different principal shell. The higher the value of n, the farther the principal shell is from the nucleus and the higher the energy level.

Therefore, the principal quantum number (n) specifies the principal shell of the orbital. Option B) is the correct choice.

D. I believe