how did the u.s acquire the territory of alaska?

Hmmm -- Ranell you seem to have just dumped YOUR homework questions on us. If you can't find these answers in your book, conduct a Google search for each of them -- and I'm sure you'll quickly find the answers. For instance, for this question Google Alaska history.

We'll be glad to check your answers.

well my book isz ripped and my friend only told me the questions

Then Google becomes your friend. :-)

The United States acquired the territory of Alaska from the Russian Empire through a purchase effective on October 18, 1867. This purchase is commonly known as the Alaska Purchase or Seward's Folly, named after Secretary of State William H. Seward, who negotiated the deal on behalf of the United States.

To find out more about the acquisition of Alaska, you can follow these steps:

1. Historical accounts and literature: Start by reading historical accounts, books, and articles on the subject. Look for books and articles that discuss the history of American expansion and the acquisition of Alaska.

2. Online sources: Use reliable online sources such as government archives, educational websites, or reputable history websites. These sources often provide comprehensive information about historical events.

3. Library and archives: Visit your local library or a university library to access relevant books, journals, and primary sources. Librarians can assist you in finding specific materials related to the acquisition of Alaska.

4. Primary sources: Examine primary sources like official government documents, correspondences, and historical newspapers. These primary sources can provide direct accounts of the negotiations and discussions related to the Alaska Purchase.

5. Museums and exhibitions: Visit museums or exhibitions that feature American history or specifically highlight the acquisition of Alaska. These institutions often provide detailed information, artifacts, and visuals related to the historical event.

By following these steps, you can gather a wealth of information about the acquisition of Alaska and gain a better understanding of the historical context surrounding the purchase.