"I am a citizen of the world" is a key line in the story "When Greek Meets Greek." What does this line mean to you? Explain how this line fits the events of this story or another selection in this unit. Include details to support your explanation.

Can you guys help me build a paragraph? I have some feedback from my teacher if you want to see it.

cause people like me still need the response so it's still somewhat helping people lol.

The line "I am a resident of the world" implies that what a man do influences the world. Each individual has a greater number of likenesses than contrasts to each other. "At the point when Greek Meets Greek" is tied in with having racial bias. This is an anecdote about West Indians who relocated to England to have another life.

thank u human😁 it helped me!

ironic af people complain about answers but still find their way here xD

@? use ur brain ppl still use this lol


Is there any more details you could include to support your reply to the question? Thanks!


I am living proof of concept.

Pardon, I meant @?


@? because they can

Anonymous, why would you post your message to a question that was posted in 2016?