Cucumbers are on sale, so you buy 30 pounds of them at the local market for your restaurant. Each cucumber is actually 98% water. A few days later, the cucumbers have dried out to the point that each is now 89% water. How much do all your cucumbers weigh at this time?

.02 * 30 = original amount of dry cucumber which does not change

.11 x = .02 * 30

Inverse of h(x)=7-9cos(-(x+1)).

h^-1(x)=? show work please! Thanks!

To find out how much the cucumbers weigh after they have dried out, we need to use the information about the initial and final water percentages.

Let's break it down step by step:

Step 1: Calculate the weight of water in the original cucumbers.
- If each cucumber is 98% water, then the remaining 2% represents the solid mass of the cucumber.
- So, the initial weight of water in each cucumber is 98% of its total weight.

Step 2: Calculate the weight of the solid mass in the original cucumbers.
- If the water in each cucumber is 98% of its total weight, then the solid mass is the remaining 2%.
- So, the initial weight of the solid mass in each cucumber is 2% of its total weight.

Step 3: Calculate the weight of water in the dried cucumbers.
- After the cucumbers have dried out, each cucumber is now 89% water, which means the remaining 11% represents the solid mass of the cucumber.
- So, the weight of water in the dried cucumber is 89% of its total weight.

Step 4: Calculate the weight of the solid mass in the dried cucumbers.
- If the water in the dried cucumber is 89% of its total weight, then the solid mass is the remaining 11%.
- So, the weight of the solid mass in the dried cucumber is 11% of its total weight.

Step 5: Calculate the final weight of the cucumbers.
- The final weight of the cucumbers is the sum of the weight of water and the weight of the solid mass in each cucumber.

Now, let's put this into calculation:

Step 1: Weight of water in each cucumber = 98% of total weight of each cucumber.
Step 2: Weight of solid mass in each cucumber = 2% of total weight of each cucumber.
Step 3: Weight of water in the dried cucumber = 89% of total weight of each cucumber.
Step 4: Weight of solid mass in the dried cucumber = 11% of total weight of each cucumber.
Step 5: Final weight of the cucumbers = Sum of the weight of water and the weight of the solid mass in each cucumber x the number of cucumbers.

Given that you bought 30 pounds of cucumbers, the calculation will be as follows:

Step 1: Weight of water in each cucumber = 98% x 30 pounds = 0.98 x 30 = 29.4 pounds.
Step 2: Weight of solid mass in each cucumber = 2% x 30 pounds = 0.02 x 30 = 0.6 pounds.
Step 3: Weight of water in the dried cucumber = 89% of 30 pounds = 0.89 x 30 = 26.7 pounds.
Step 4: Weight of solid mass in the dried cucumber = 11% of 30 pounds = 0.11 x 30 = 3.3 pounds.
Step 5: Final weight of the cucumbers = (Weight of water + Weight of solid mass) x Number of cucumbers
= (29.4 + 3.3) pounds x Number of cucumbers

Therefore, to calculate the final weight of all your cucumbers, we need to know the number of cucumbers. Could you please provide the number of cucumbers you bought?