At a street fair, a vendor keeps her stall open 6 hours per day. She also spends a total of 4 hours over the course of the fair setting up.

Let d represent the number of days of the fair and h represent the total hours spent at the fair.

h = 6d + 4

To find the value of h in terms of d, we need to consider the total hours spent at the fair.

We know that the vendor keeps her stall open for 6 hours per day. So, for d days, the total hours spent with the stall open would be 6 * d or 6d.

Additionally, the vendor spends a total of 4 hours setting up the stall over the course of the fair. Therefore, we need to add 4 hours to the total hours spent with the stall open.

Now, we can express the total hours spent at the fair, h, as the sum of the hours spent with the stall open and the hours spent setting up:

h = 6d + 4