You normally drive on the free way between kidapawan and davao at an average speed of 105km/hr (65mi/hr) and the trip takes 2hr and 20minutes on a friday afternoon,however heavy traffic slows you down and you drive the same distance an average speed of only 70km/hr (50mi/hr. How much longer does the trip take? How to solve this problem?

find the distance from the first given.

then, you know the distance, so in the question solve for t.

Now compare the much longer did it take?

To solve this problem, we can use the formula:

Time = Distance / Speed

First, we need to calculate the distance between Kidapawan and Davao. Let's assume it is 150 kilometers.

For the normal trip with an average speed of 105 km/hr, the time taken is:

Time = Distance / Speed
Time = 150 km / 105 km/hr
Time = 1.43 hours

Since there are 60 minutes in an hour, we can convert the decimal part of the time to minutes:

Decimal time = 0.43 * 60
Decimal time = 25.8 minutes

So, the total time for the normal trip is approximately 1 hour and 26 minutes.

Next, let's calculate the time for the trip with heavy traffic, where the average speed is 70 km/hr:

Time = Distance / Speed
Time = 150 km / 70 km/hr
Time = 2.14 hours

Converting the decimal part of the time to minutes:

Decimal time = 0.14 * 60
Decimal time = 8.4 minutes

Therefore, the total time for the trip with heavy traffic is approximately 2 hours and 8 minutes.

To determine how much longer the trip takes with heavy traffic, we subtract the normal trip time from the heavy traffic trip time:

Additional time = Heavy traffic time - Normal time
Additional time = (2 hours + 8 minutes) - (1 hour + 26 minutes)
Additional time = 42 minutes

So, the trip takes approximately 42 minutes longer with heavy traffic.