How did Saul rule the people of ancient Israel

**** 1, He conquered neighboring Judah and Canaan.

2, He set up a religious empire modeled after the Persians

3, He unted twelve tribes under on king.

4, He wrested power from Nebuchadezzar

I think the answer is 1 because Saul was primarily a Military Leader and rarely execute any Monarchical power.

religion isn’t a part of this katie, go shove your religion down someone else’s throat

Its c !

You are correct, the answer is 1. Saul ruled the people of ancient Israel by conquering neighboring Judah and Canaan. To arrive at this answer, we can examine the given options and evaluate them based on historical knowledge.

1. Conquering neighboring Judah and Canaan: This aligns with the historical accounts of Saul's military campaigns to secure the land and expand the territory of Israel.

2. Setting up a religious empire modeled after the Persians: There is no historical evidence to suggest that Saul established a religious empire modeled after the Persians. This option is not supported.

3. Uniting twelve tribes under one king: While Saul did become the first king of ancient Israel, it is important to note that the twelve tribes were already existing entities. Uniting the twelve tribes under one king was more of a subsequent development by later kings, particularly King David. Therefore, this option is not accurate for Saul's rule.

4. Wrestling power from Nebuchadnezzar: Nebuchadnezzar was a Babylonian king who ruled several centuries after Saul's time. There is no direct connection between Saul and Nebuchadnezzar, so this option is not relevant to Saul's rule.

By analyzing the options and considering historical knowledge, we conclude that option 1, Saul conquering neighboring Judah and Canaan, accurately describes how he ruled the people of ancient Israel.

He united twelve tribes under one king.

that was kinda rude! katie's rite tho

read da bible boo it aint #1