The height of a Norway Spruce is 10 feet. 2 1/2 feet per year, how long will it take the tree to reach the height of 25 ft?

Write an equation that could be used to find how long it will take for the tree to reach a height of 25 ft.

After x years, the height y is

y = 10 + 2.5x

So, find x when y=25

12.5 years


10+2.5x = 25
2.5x = 15

To find the time it will take for the tree to reach a height of 25 feet, we can set up an equation using the given information.

Let's define the variable t as the number of years it takes for the tree to grow to a height of 25 feet.

Based on the information provided, the tree grows at a rate of 2 1/2 feet per year. This can be written as:

Growth rate = 2 1/2 feet/year
= 2.5 feet/year

Since the initial height of the tree is 10 feet and it grows at a rate of 2.5 feet per year, we can create an equation:

10 + 2.5t = 25

In this equation, the term '10' represents the initial height of the tree, '2.5t' represents the growth in height after t years, and '25' represents the desired height of 25 feet.

To solve this equation for t, we can subtract 10 from both sides:

2.5t = 25 - 10
2.5t = 15

Finally, divide both sides of the equation by 2.5:

t = 15 / 2.5
t = 6

Therefore, it will take the tree about 6 years to reach a height of 25 feet.