Jack thinks of two numbers. The HCF of these numbers is 6 and one of the number is 24 suggest what his other number may have been?


steve is wrong

Anonymous - Sep 14, 2017 - is correct.

Anonymous - Sep 14, 2017 - es correcto.

Steve - IS WRONG!!!!!

bruhh.... can u like answer this question pls

I have no idea

it could be 30 because the HCF is 6 so you just have multiplie with a prime number that is not 2 so the answer would be:

24= 2×2×2×3
30= 2×3×5
HCF(24, 30)= 2×3=6

all multiples of 6 have two as a prime factor


can someone answer this question plz

It should be 42 in my case that's what i think tbh.