Jill ,meg and beth are sisters.jill is 2 years younger than meg.beth is half as old as meg.let m represent megs age.write two other algebraic expressions based on this situation.tell what each expression represents,and what the variable stands for in each expression.

j = b - 2

b = .5 m


j = .5 m - 2

m = 2 b

b = j + 2

etc etc etc

To solve this problem algebraically, we can start by defining the age of Meg as the variable "m."

1) Expression 1: m - 2
This expression represents Jill's age, as it's stated that Jill is 2 years younger than Meg. Therefore, subtracting 2 from Meg's age gives us Jill's age. The variable "m" in this expression represents Meg's age.

2) Expression 2: (1/2)m
This expression represents Beth's age, as it's stated that Beth is half as old as Meg. Taking half of Meg's age is equivalent to finding Beth's age. The variable "m" in this expression still represents Meg's age.