The temperature is 12 degrees lower that 4 hours ago. Write an integer equation for the situation and what is the average temperature change per hour?

12/4= 3
3 degrees is the average temperature change per hour.


To write an integer equation for the situation, let's represent the initial temperature as 'x'.

From the given information, we know that the temperature is 12 degrees lower than 4 hours ago.

So, 4 hours ago, the temperature would have been 'x + 12'.

Therefore, the integer equation for the situation would be:

x - (x + 12) = -12

Simplifying the equation, we get:

x - x - 12 = -12
-12 = -12

The average temperature change per hour is indeed 3 degrees, as calculated correctly.

To write an integer equation for the situation, let's represent the current temperature as 'T', and the temperature 4 hours ago as 'T-12'.

Therefore, the integer equation would be: T = (T - 12)

To find the average temperature change per hour, we divide the total temperature change (12 degrees) by the number of hours (4).

So, the average temperature change per hour is 12 degrees divided by 4 hours, which equals 3 degrees.