the patient is seen by his family physician for follow-up treatment of recently diagnosed asthmatic bronchitis. the physician's fee is 75$. the patient copayment is 20$, and the patient is not required to pay any additional amount to provider. the payer reimburses the physician 28$

Please learn to put the dollar sign before the number: $75, $20, $28.

What is your question?

To determine how much the payer reimburses the physician, we can subtract the patient's copayment from the physician's fee, and then compare it to the reimbursement amount.

1. Start with the physician's fee: $75.
2. Subtract the patient's copayment: $75 - $20 = $55.
3. Compare the result to the reimbursement amount: $55 vs. $28.

Based on this, we can see that the payer reimburses the physician $28. This means the patient's insurance plan covers $28 of the total fee, while the patient is responsible for the remaining $20 copayment.