Harold is making a letter a to put on the rooftop of the a is for Apple Orchard store. The figure above shows a sketch of the design. what should be the measure of angle is one and 2p so bad the horizontal part of that a is truly horizontal


To determine the measure of angle 1 and 2p in order for the horizontal part of the letter "a" to be truly horizontal, we can use the given sketch as a reference. However, since there is no sketch provided in the question, I am unable to provide an exact answer to your question.

Nevertheless, I can provide you with a general guide on how to approach this problem:

1. Obtain the sketch: If possible, obtain the actual sketch that shows the design of the letter "a" to better understand its shape and orientation. If not available, try to visualize or draw a rough sketch that resembles the description.

2. Identify the horizontal part: Look for the horizontal stroke of the letter "a." This is the line that runs parallel to the ground.

3. Determine the angles: Examine the sketch or your visualization and identify the angles that form the letter "a." Angle 1 is usually found at the intersection of the diagonal line and the horizontal line. Angle 2p is typically located at the juncture of the diagonal line and the vertical line.

4. Measure the angles: Using a protractor or any measuring tool, measure the angles to determine their values. Ensure that angle 1 matches angle 2p for symmetry.

5. Adjust if necessary: If the horizontal part of the letter "a" is not truly horizontal, make adjustments to the values of angle 1 and 2p by trial and error until the desired horizontal alignment is achieved.

Remember to use the sketch or reference as a guide to determine a suitable solution.