Multiply Write the answer in the form a+bi. (2-3i)^2

I am coming up with 4-3i what am I doing wrong?

To find the square of a complex number, you can use the FOIL method. "FOIL" stands for First, Outer, Inner, Last, and it helps you multiply two binomials.

Using the given expression, (2-3i)^2, we can rewrite it as (2-3i) × (2-3i).

Now let's apply the FOIL method:

First: Multiply the first terms of each binomial: (2 × 2) = 4.

Outer: Multiply the outer terms of each binomial: (2 × -3i) = -6i.

Inner: Multiply the inner terms of each binomial: (-3i × 2) = -6i.

Last: Multiply the last terms of each binomial: (-3i × -3i) = 9i^2.

Now we have:

4 + (-6i) + (-6i) + 9i^2.

Simplifying further:

4 + (-6i) + (-6i) + 9i^2 can be rewritten as 4 - 12i + 9i^2.

Since i^2 is defined as -1, we have:

4 - 12i + 9(-1).

Simplifying again:

4 - 12i - 9 = -5 - 12i.

So, the square of (2-3i) is -5 - 12i.