Depict an image showing a metal spring suspended vertically. At the top have the spring linked to a stable structure. In one side, illustrate the spring extended to 9 inches in length, with a 2-pound weight hanging at the end. On the other side, the same spring is stretched to 13.5 inches long with a 5-pound weight suspended. Please take care to not include any text in the image.

A spring with a 2-pound weight suspended is 9 inches in length. With a 5-pound weight suspended, the length increases to 13.5 inches.

Which equation does not represent the behavior of the spring?
y – 2 = 1.5(x – 9)
y – 9 = 1.5(x – 2)
y = 1.5x + 6
y – 13.5 = 1.5(x – 5)

I looked it up and according to Hook's Law, the relation is linear.

so you have two points (2,9) and (5,13.5)
slope = (13.5-9)/(5-2)
= 1.5
Using (2,9) my equation would be
y-9 = 1.5(x-2)
Using (5,13.5) would produce
y-13.5 = 1.5(x-5)

clearly the second one is wrong

The equation that does not represent the behavior of the spring is:

y – 13.5 = 1.5(x – 5).

To determine which equation represents the behavior of the spring, we can analyze the given information about the weights and lengths.

We are told that when a 2-pound weight is suspended, the length of the spring is 9 inches. Using this information, we can create an equation in point-slope form, which is (y – y1) = m(x – x1), where (x1, y1) represents the coordinates of a point on the line and m represents the slope of the line.

Using the point (9, 2), the equation representing the behavior of the spring is:
y – 2 = m(x – 9)

Similarly, when a 5-pound weight is suspended, the length of the spring increases to 13.5 inches. We can create another equation using the point-slope form.

Using the point (13.5, 5), the equation representing the behavior of the spring is:
y – 5 = m(x – 13.5)

Now, we can compare this equation with the given options:
1. y – 2 = 1.5(x – 9) - This equation is consistent with the information given.
2. y – 9 = 1.5(x – 2) - This equation does not represent the behavior of the spring.
3. y = 1.5x + 6 - This equation does not represent the behavior of the spring.
4. y – 13.5 = 1.5(x – 5) - This equation is consistent with the information given.

Therefore, the equation that does not represent the behavior of the spring is:
y – 9 = 1.5(x – 2)