Labor rate = $14 per hour

Hours worked = 40
Overhead rate = 125%
Retail price of good furnished = $85
Sales tax rate = 6%

Total bill for services and parts = $

To calculate the total bill for services and parts, you need to consider three components: labor cost, parts cost, and overhead cost.

1. Labor Cost:
Multiply the labor rate by the number of hours worked to find the labor cost:
Labor Cost = Labor Rate per Hour x Hours Worked
Labor Cost = $14/hour x 40 hours
Labor Cost = $560

2. Parts Cost:
The problem does not provide any information about the parts cost. You would need to know the cost of the parts separately to calculate the parts cost.

3. Overhead Cost:
To calculate the overhead cost, multiply the retail price of goods furnished by the overhead rate:
Overhead Cost = Retail Price of Goods Furnished x Overhead Rate
Overhead Cost = $85 x 125% (convert the percentage to decimal by dividing by 100)
Overhead Cost = $85 x 1.25
Overhead Cost = $106.25

4. Total Bill:
To calculate the total bill, add the labor cost, parts cost (if known), and overhead cost together:
Total Bill = Labor Cost + Parts Cost + Overhead Cost

If you have the parts cost, you can add it to the calculation. However, since the problem does not provide the parts cost, we cannot determine the total bill based on the information given.