Simplify: sqrt x^2-8x+16

I know that this can be factored out to sqrt (x-4)(x-4) what do i do next?

sqrt ( a*a) = a

is it x-4


Yes. Also, would 4-x work?

Okay I understand thank you both.

To simplify the expression, you are correct that you can factor out the given expression as √(x^2 - 8x + 16) = √((x-4)(x-4)).

To further simplify, you can use the property of square roots that says the square root of a product is equal to the product of the square roots of each factor.

Therefore, √((x-4)(x-4)) = √(x-4) * √(x-4).

Since both factors of (x-4) are the same, you can simplify this to:

√(x-4) * √(x-4) = (x-4).

So, the simplified expression is x-4.