Meaningful use is using certified EHR technology to accomplish the following with one exception, Identify the exception from the following.

Improve quality, safety, efficiency, and reduce disparities.

Engage patients and their families in their health care.

Improve population and public health.

Demonstrate applied standards.

And your answer is?

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To identify the exception among the given options, we can break down the statement "Meaningful use is using certified EHR technology to accomplish the following with one exception." Let's analyze each option to determine if it aligns with the concept of meaningful use:

1. Improve quality, safety, efficiency, and reduce disparities: This aligns with the concept of meaningful use, as one of its primary goals is to enhance these aspects of healthcare delivery.

2. Engage patients and their families in their health care: This also aligns with meaningful use, as it emphasizes the active involvement of patients and their families in their healthcare decision-making.

3. Improve population and public health: This is another objective of meaningful use, as it aims to improve overall population health and address public health concerns.

4. Demonstrate applied standards: This option stands out as the exception among the options listed. While meaningful use does promote the use of standards, it focuses more on the outcomes and goals related to healthcare delivery rather than specifically demonstrating applied standards.

Therefore, the correct answer is "Demonstrate applied standards."