the question is:

if x=3 and z= -1

i did the the question and got the answer - 14 ....but the answer key that i got say -20....can anyone help me... with this plz....

What I would do is replace the variables with the numbers and set it up like this:

(-3 x 3) + (-2 x -1) -7.

What's strange is that I got -14, too. The key could be incorrect, I have had mistakes in my math book before. If this homework isn't being graded, don't stress out about it, I'm sure your teacher will understand if it's not right. Good luck!


-9+2-7= -14

i have no idea why
it says its -20

thanks a lot

it’s not that difficult I was not too good in probability and even in algebra i learnt from an online tutoring education company that's tcyonline

this also give individual sessions for a particular topic i was enrolled for a package in algebra and probability

To help you verify the correct answer, let's substitute the given values of x and z into the equation and solve step by step.

Given equation: -3x - 2z - 7

Substituting x = 3 and z = -1:
-3(3) - 2(-1) - 7

Simplifying the equation:
-9 + 2 - 7

Combine like terms:

So, after substituting the given values, we get -16, not -14.

If the answer key states -20, there might have been an error either in the given equation or in the values of x and z. Double-check the question, and if the equation and values are correct, inform your teacher or the person who provided the answer key about the discrepancy.