What number has the prime factorization 2 to the 6th power times 5 to the 6th power?

2 to the 6th power = 64

5 to the 6th power = 15625

the number is 1,000,000 (is this correct) If so,

My question is, is there another number that has the prime factorization 2 to the 6th power times 5 to the?

Yes, you are correct. The number with the prime factorization 2 to the 6th power times 5 to the 6th power is indeed 1,000,000.

To find another number with the same prime factorization, you simply need to multiply 2 to the 6th power by 5 to the 6th power.

2^6 = 64
5^6 = 15625

Therefore, the product of these two numbers will give you another number with the same prime factorization. Let's calculate it:

64 * 15,625 = 1,000,000

So, the number 1,000,000 is not only the first number with the prime factorization 2^6 * 5^6, but it is also the only number with this specific prime factorization.