
what does x stand for

and I need help with 10t + t + 4/9t

what is the value of t

To find the value of x in the equation x/6 = -10, you can solve for x by multiplying both sides of the equation by 6. This will cancel out the division and give you the value of x.

Here's the step-by-step process:

1. Start with the equation: x/6 = -10.
2. Multiply both sides of the equation by 6: (6) * (x/6) = (6) * (-10).
3. On the left side, the 6s cancel out, leaving you with x: x = -60.
4. Therefore, the value of x in the equation x/6 = -10 is -60.

Now, let's move on to the second question regarding the expression 10t + t + 4/9t.

To simplify this expression, you'll need to combine like terms. Notice that you have t terms and a fraction term with t.

Here are the steps to find the value of t:

1. Start with the expression: 10t + t + 4/9t.
2. Combine the t terms: 10t + t = 11t.
3. Now, you have 11t + 4/9t.
4. To combine these terms, you'll need a common denominator. Multiply the denominator of the fraction (9) by the coefficient of t (4) to get 36. So, the expression becomes: 11t + (4/9t) * (4/4) = 11t + 16/36t.
5. Combine the terms: 11t + 16/36t = 11t + 4/9t.
6. Therefore, the value of t in the expression 10t + t + 4/9t is t.

Note: In this case, "t" represents a variable, so its exact value cannot be determined without further information.