1.Because Romans conquered many new lands, it allowed them to...?

2.How were children treated differently from slaves in the Roman Republic?

3Following the Pax Romano, many emperors were ?

4. How did Nerva affect the Roman Empire?

Please point me in the right direction. I am doing my study guide and these are the only four out of 41 questions I can not find. I have read my book and watched the videos like 50 times these are just not in there.

These seem to be very broad questions for which there could be several answers. Emperors were decadent? They were jealous of their power? They were many things. For Nerva, read this:


For children in the Roman Empire, try this:


Thank You so much

1. To find the answer to the question, "Because Romans conquered many new lands, it allowed them to...?", you can start by reviewing your textbook, lecture notes, or any other resources related to the Roman Empire. Look for information on the reasons behind the Roman conquest and the benefits they gained from it. Focus on topics such as resources, trade, economic growth, increased tax revenue, assimilation of cultures, expansion of the empire's influence, and military power.

2. For the question, "How were children treated differently from slaves in the Roman Republic?", you can begin by revisiting your study materials and paying attention to the sections that discuss the social hierarchy and the role of different individuals within Roman society. Look for information on the treatment of children and slaves, comparing their legal rights, social statuses, and the expectations placed upon them. Consider topics such as education, freedom (or lack thereof), inheritance, familial relationships, and the general position of children and slaves in the Roman Republic.

3. Regarding the statement, "Following the Pax Romano, many emperors were...?", you may need to review the period following the Pax Romana, which is often referred to as the Crisis of the Third Century. Explore resources such as textbooks, academic articles, or online historical databases to find information about the emperors who ruled during this time. Consider looking for details on their leadership styles, actions, dynastic struggles, challenges faced, and any significant changes that took place in the Roman Empire during their reigns.

4. To understand how Nerva affected the Roman Empire, you can consult your study materials to gather information on Nerva, his role as an emperor, and his significant contributions or reforms. Review relevant sections in your textbook, lecture notes, or other resources that touch upon the period of Nerva's reign. Look for details on his policies, legislation, political decisions, alliances, administrative changes, and any other actions that may have had an impact on the Roman Empire during his rule.

If you are having trouble finding the answers to these specific questions in your current study resources, you may consider expanding your research to include additional textbooks, scholarly articles, or reputable online sources.