1. The Himalayas separate _________. (1 point)

Pakistan and India
the Indian subcontinent from the rest of Asia
Afghanistan from the rest of South Asia
northern and southern India
2. What impact do monsoon winds most have on South Asia? (1 point)
Monsoon winds carry plenty of rain to India from the Arabian Sea during the wet season from
June to September.
Monsoon winds carry snow from the north to the Himalayas.
Monsoon winds carry plenty of rain from the Arabian Sea to Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Monsoon winds carry plenty of rain to Bangladesh and India from the Bay of Bengal.
3. The Green Revolution changed the way in which people benefit from the land by (1 point)
increasing hydroelectric power.
slowing the extraction of minerals.
developing new forests and grasslands.
increasing food production.
4. Because of its rich soil, people have migrated to South Asia’s _______________. (1 point)
mountain gorges
flood plains
plateau regions
5. Farmers in the northern Indo­Gangetic Plain of South Asia rely more heavily on (1 point)
water carried by rivers that drain from the Himalayas.
cool air that brings drenching rain.

desert wind that balances the cold, moist air from the Himalayas.
6. The founder of the first bank to offer microcredit loans won a Nobel Peace Prize for his idea.
He said the prize brought dignity to “women all around the world who struggle to make a
living.” What did he mean?
(1 point)
He believed he should share the prize money with women all around the world.
He believed the publicity from the prize would make them famous.
He believed that the loans give the borrowers an opportunity for a better life through their small
He believed that his bank’s loans would help women buy a television to watch the Nobel Peace
Prize ceremony.
7. How did the Aryans influence the culture of South Asia? (1 point)
Their music, literature, and ways of dress are still practiced throughout the region.
They wanted to unify the culture by spreading one religion.
They brought Islam to the region.
They brought the caste system, and their religions changed and developed into Hinduism.
8. What is a likely reason that India supported East Pakistan’s effort to gain independence from
(1 point)
East Pakistan agreed with India’s policy of nonalignment.
India and Pakistan were in conflict.
East Pakistan was close to India’s largest cities.
India’s population was mostly Hindu.
9. How does Bollywood have its roots in the Aryan invasion? (1 point)
The films of Bollywood often are about the Aryan invasion.
Bollywood uses the caste system in the way it employs people to make films.
Bollywood films are often about the epic poems of ancient Hinduism that developed from local
and Aryan religious beliefs.
Bollywood is based in Mumbai, the center of the Aryan invasion.
10. How are Hindu and Buddhist beliefs similar? (1 point)
Nirvana is a Buddhist belief in freeing the soul from the cycle of reincarnation, which is a Hindu

Nirvana was taught by Siddhartha Gautama, a Hindu teacher who converted to Buddhism.
Belief in nirvana was spread by both Hindu merchants and Buddhist traders.
The idea of nirvana is what made former believers in both Hinduism and Buddhism become
11. How were the practices of the East India Company in India reflected in British colonial
practices in South Asia?
(1 point)
The East India Company harvested tea and coffee and traded spices, which attracted the British
government to make India a colony.
The East India Company developed the textile industry in Britain with cotton harvested in India
under British colonialism.
The East India Company controlled Afghanistan, Bhutan, and Nepal, just as the British later did.
The East India Company took control over parts of India and dominated the trade of the region,
just as the British did through colonialism.
12. In what key way did Gandhi’s dream of independence fail? (1 point)
India did not remain united and was divided into two nations.
India became a British colony.
Britain sided with Pakistan when East Pakistan fought for independence.
Indians boycotted British goods.
13. Under Nehru’s policy of nonalignment during the Cold War, India sided with (1 point)
the United States.
the Soviet Union.
neither the United States nor the Soviet Union.
14. How might the caste system conflict with India’s economic growth? (1 point)
If people were forced to remain in certain jobs or not receive proper education, they would not
have the economic opportunities necessary for India’s economic growth.
The Dalits, or untouchables, would be forbidden from working in outsourced industries.
The Indian constitution allows discrimination based on caste, yet India’s economy has grown so
strong that those laws are ignored.
The caste system kept India from achieving independence, which slowed India’s economic
15. How is India a secular democracy? (1 point)

15. How is India a secular democracy? (1 point)
India’s Hindu majority hold all the major offices.
In its conflict with Pakistan, India hopes to convert Pakistan to secularism.
Indian voters must belong to the Hindu religion.
India’s government is not based on religion.
16. How did India attract U.S. and European companies to use its outsourcing services? (1 point)
The Indian government placed high tariffs on software products.
The Indian government encouraged the U.S. and Europe to send its university students to India
for education in engineering.
The Indian government opened software technology parks where computer­related products and
services are offered.
The Indian government did not allow Dalits to work in software industries.
17. Martin Luther King, Jr., said, “. . . the Christian doctrine of love operating through the
Gandhian method of nonviolence was one of the most potent weapons available to the [African
American] in his struggle. . . .” How was King’s struggle similar to Gandhi’s?
(1 point)
Both King and Gandhi used Christian doctrine as the basis for their struggle.
Both King and Gandhi fought for freedom for their people—King for African Americans to have
civil rights and Gandhi for Indians to have independence.
Both King and Gandhi abandoned violence because it did not work.
Both King and Gandhi wanted their oppressors destroyed.
18. How does geography affect economic activity in South Asia? (1 point)
Being surrounded by the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean limits trade in India.
The Himalayas protect the crops of Indian farmers from heavy rains and extreme weather

When you have read your study materials and have answers, we'll be glad to check the ones you are unsure of.



Beware! Pranksters sometime post wrong answers here.

These answers Are WRONG!! Don't Post them here we don't want to the wrong answers we need the right answers!!!!!!!

No, if you look at them you see that they are correct. Or did you submit these answer and they were wrong. I think I need proof before I believe you. I went to another site and looked, and they were correct. That is after I did the quiz.

senpai just study, really cheating isn't gonna get you anywhere. -_-

so the answers are wrong?? (2 years later this problem still hasn't been wrong)

Baka stop you cheat too. I saw your posts so stop telling other people to cheat maybe they are checking their answers.

Jessica is right

i took the test and i got a 100%

1. The Himalayas separate the Indian subcontinent from the rest of Asia. To find the answer to this question, one can refer to a map or an atlas that shows the geographical features of South Asia.

2. Monsoon winds carry plenty of rain to Bangladesh and India from the Bay of Bengal. To find the answer to this question, one can refer to a reliable source of information about South Asian climate and monsoon patterns.

3. The Green Revolution changed the way in which people benefit from the land by increasing food production. To find the answer to this question, one can research the effects and goals of the Green Revolution, which was a major agricultural initiative in South Asia.

4. Because of its rich soil, people have migrated to South Asia’s flood plains. To find the answer to this question, one can study the geographical features and agricultural characteristics of South Asia.

5. Farmers in the northern Indo-Gangetic Plain of South Asia rely more heavily on water carried by rivers that drain from the Himalayas. To find the answer to this question, one can refer to geographical and agricultural information about the Indo-Gangetic Plain.

6. He meant that the loans give the borrowers an opportunity for a better life through their small businesses. To understand his meaning, one can read or research more about microcredit loans and their impact on the lives of borrowers, especially women.

7. The Aryans brought the caste system, and their religions changed and developed into Hinduism. To find the answer to this question, one can study the history and cultural influence of the Aryans on South Asia.

8. A likely reason that India supported East Pakistan's effort to gain independence from Pakistan is because East Pakistan was close to India's largest cities. To find the answer to this question, one can refer to historical accounts of the independence movement in East Pakistan (which later became Bangladesh) and its relationship with India.

9. Bollywood films are often about the epic poems of ancient Hinduism that developed from local and Aryan religious beliefs. To find the answer to this question, one can research the historical and cultural influences on Bollywood films.

10. Nirvana is a Buddhist belief in freeing the soul from the cycle of reincarnation, which is a Hindu belief. To find the answer to this question, one can compare the basic beliefs and concepts of Hinduism and Buddhism.

11. The East India Company took control over parts of India and dominated the trade of the region, just as the British did through colonialism. To find the answer to this question, one can study the history of the East India Company and its impact on British colonial practices in South Asia.

12. India did not remain united and was divided into two nations. To understand why Gandhi's dream of independence failed, one can study the historical events leading to the partition of India and the creation of Pakistan.

13. Under Nehru's policy of nonalignment during the Cold War, India sided with neither the United States nor the Soviet Union. To understand India's stance during the Cold War, one can research the foreign policy of India and its relations with major powers at that time.

14. If people were forced to remain in certain jobs or not receive proper education, they would not have the economic opportunities necessary for India's economic growth. To understand the potential conflict between the caste system and economic growth, one can research the social and economic implications of the caste system in India.

15. India's government is not based on religion. To understand how India is a secular democracy, one can study the constitution and political system of India.

16. The Indian government opened software technology parks where computer-related products and services are offered. To understand how India attracted outsourcing companies, one can research the initiatives taken by the Indian government to promote outsourcing services.

17. Both King and Gandhi fought for freedom for their people—King for African Americans to have civil rights and Gandhi for Indians to have independence. To understand the similarities between King and Gandhi's struggles, one can study their respective movements and their goals for social and political change.

18. The Himalayas protect the crops of Indian farmers from heavy rains and extreme weather. To understand the effects of geography on economic activity in South Asia, one can study the geographical features and their impact on agriculture, trade, and infrastructure.