A fund drive announces that that it has raised $3,276 which is 70% of its goal. How much more must be raised?

Can you show me how to do this?

Solve for x.

0.7x = 3276
x = 3276/0.7
x = ??

This is a proportion question. Set up what you know as a proportion.

First of all, they raised $3,276, which is 70% of their goal. You need to know how much more money needs to be raised.

70/100 (which is the fraction form of saying 70%) has to equal 3,276/x. (x is what we are looking for)

Cross multiply:
70 X x (70x) and 3,276 X 100 (327,600)

Divide by 70 on both sides of the equation:
So we now know that their total money raising goal is $4,680. But the question is how much more money must be raised. Now all you have to do is 4,680-3,276 to get the answer

To find out how much more needs to be raised, we'll use a simple equation. Let's call the goal amount G and the amount raised so far R. We know that R is 70% (or 0.70 as a decimal) of the goal amount, so the equation becomes:

0.70 * G = R

Now, we can substitute the given information into the equation. We know that R is $3,276:

0.70 * G = $3,276

To solve for G, we'll isolate it by dividing both sides of the equation by 0.70:

G = $3,276 / 0.70

Using a calculator, we'll perform the division:

G ≈ $4,680

So, the goal amount is approximately $4,680. To find out how much more must be raised, we need to subtract the amount already raised (R) from the goal amount (G):

Amount more to be raised = G - R
Amount more to be raised ≈ $4,680 - $3,276
Amount more to be raised ≈ $1,404

Therefore, approximately $1,404 more must be raised to reach the goal.