Hi, I really need help with this. I'm asked to write a paragraph about this. I just need some help working it out so I can get everything correct. I'm not cheating its just confusing this part of the assignment for me. So please help! I also have to study for Math State Test so I really want to finish so I can start that. Thanks In Advance! :)

Explain how genetic variation and enviornmental pressure can lead to a change in the characteristics of a population. Provide an example of either a plant or an animal population undergoing change.

Those variations (mutations) that lead to survival in the environment continue. If not, those go to extinction.

So I did something like this here you go!

Like climate, change to an environment will affect the ones living in it. Plants that are moribund in an area where they grow changes in the environment will help the plants thrive because they change could have been more sunlight for the plant, more water, and/or more heat. It could as easily take away one of these key factors, plants that once were thriving in an area have been snagged from their once perfect environment for them. Taking away sunlight for plants will leave them cold and dead as sunlight is one of the key factors in photosynthesis. Taking away food is obvious as well as water. Climate change could be beneficial for plants or the complete opposite. Global Warming may lead some plants to die as droughts are more likely to happen and stealing water from any living thing will for sure, sadly, kill them. No matter if it’s you or me all living things need water and Global Warming is not helping. So keep your city a nice place to live for all living things. THANKS FOR READING!

Thanks @Hallee. Though your wording is very poor and there were some parts you missed, here is a revised version that should get you a better score :)

This can lead to a change in the characteristics of a population by the increase of certain species that have a trait that allows them to adjust to the environmental pressures.

Ex: Change to a populous of plant's environment such as the integration of a neighboring town or store can/will affect the ones living in it. Plants that are more-abundant in an area where changes in the environment can help
the plants thrive as the change could have brought more key factors such as sunlight, water or heat. Or, alternatively it could've taken away one of these key factors,. Taking away a plant's sunlight or water can and will kill them as sunlight is one of the key factors in photosynthesis. Climate change could be beneficial for plants, or not.

Be sure to change the words around a bit, goodluck!

Of course, I'm here to help! Understanding how genetic variation and environmental pressures can lead to changes in the characteristics of a population is an important concept in biology. Let me break it down for you step by step.

Genetic variation refers to the differences in the genetic makeup of individuals within a population. These differences arise from a variety of sources like genetic mutations, genetic recombination during reproduction, and genetic drift. Environmental pressures, on the other hand, are the changes in the environment that can affect the survival and reproduction of individuals in a population.

Here's how these two factors can lead to changes in the characteristics of a population:

1. Genetic Variation: Imagine a population of birds where some individuals have longer beaks and others have shorter beaks. This variation in beak length is due to genetic differences among the birds.

2. Environmental Pressure: If the environment changes, for example, the available food source changes so that it becomes harder for the birds with shorter beaks to feed, this represents an environmental pressure.

3. Natural Selection: In this changed environment, birds with longer beaks may have an advantage as they can reach food sources that the birds with shorter beaks cannot access. As a result, the birds with longer beaks are more likely to survive and reproduce, passing their genetic traits for longer beaks to the next generation.

4. Change in Characteristics: Over time, through repeated generations, the proportion of birds with longer beaks in the population may increase, while the proportion of birds with shorter beaks decreases. This is an example of how genetic variation, combined with environmental pressure, can lead to a change in the characteristics of a population.

To provide an example, let's consider the peppered moth population in England during the industrial revolution. Prior to industrialization, most of the moths had light-colored wings, which provided camouflage against tree bark. However, as industrial pollution darkened the tree bark, the light-colored moths became more visible to predators. The dark-colored moths, which had a genetic variation for darker wings, were more likely to survive since they were better camouflaged against the pollution-darkened trees. As a result, the population shifted, with a higher proportion of dark-colored moths and a lower proportion of light-colored moths.

I hope this explanation helps you understand how genetic variation and environmental pressures can lead to changes in the characteristics of a population. If you have any further questions or need more assistance, please feel free to ask! Good luck with your assignment and Math State Test!