The story “Before Hip-Hop Was Hip-Hop” is narrated by Rebecca Walker and tells of her experience with the rise of Hip-Hop. This is considered the story’s

A. Point of View
B. Perspective
C. Rhetorical Device
D. Tone

I know it's not D. I think it is B.

If it tells of her own experience, it is her perspective from what? I disagree with your answer.

Ok. My answer is A.

I think so.

Reed, A. was wrong. It's B. But thank you for your help anyway!

To determine the correct answer, let's break down the options:

A. Point of View: This refers to the vantage point or perspective from which the story is told. It can be categorized as first-person, second-person, third-person limited, or third-person omniscient. Example: "I walked down the street."

B. Perspective: Perspective is the particular attitude or point of view a character or narrator brings to a story. It can involve their beliefs, values, experiences, or biases. Example: A story told from the perspective of a young girl may focus on innocence and curiosity.

C. Rhetorical Device: Rhetorical devices are techniques used to persuade or manipulate an audience. Examples include metaphors, similes, alliteration, and irony. These devices are typically used in speeches or persuasive writing.

D. Tone: Tone refers to the attitude the author or narrator sets within the story. It can be described using words such as serious, playful, sarcastic, or somber.

Looking at the given options, the most fitting choice is B. Perspective. The question indicates that the story is narrated by Rebecca Walker, implying that the narrator's personal experiences and insights shape the perspective through which the rise of Hip-Hop is conveyed.

Therefore, the correct answer is B. Perspective.