Hi there,

Can someone help me with the question:

"Prove that the value of 7sinx +3cos2x cannot be greater than 5/1/24 for all values of x between 0 degrees and 360 degrees"

Thanks lots. =)

I've already simplified 7sinx + 3cos2x into (2sinx-3)(3sinx+1).

I do not agree with your factoring

7 sin x +3 (1 - 2sin^2x)
7 sin x + 3 - 6 sin^2 x
-[6 sin^2 x - 7sin x -3 )
to find the maximum or minimum take the derivative and set to 0
-[ 12 sin x cos x - 7 cos x ] = 0
sin x = 7/12
sin^2 x = 49/144
7 sin x = 49/12
2 sin^2 x = 98/144
so function = 49/12 +3 (1 - 98/144)
= 588/144 +432/144 -98*3/144
= 726/144 = 5.041666...
1/24 = .04166666..
5 1/24 is right

Oh, I do agree with the factoring but did not do it.

Here without using calculus

let sin x = z
-y = 6z^2-7z -3
that is a parabola
complete the square to find the vertex
-y/6 = z^2 -7/6 z -1/2
-y/6 +1/2 = z^2 -7/6 z
add (7/12)^2 or 49/144 to both sides
-y/6 +72/144 +49/144 = z^2 -7/6 z + 49/144
-y/6 + 121/144 = (z-7/12)^2

vertex is where z = sin x = 7/12

then continue as I did with the calculus way

Thanks for the help =) Clear and detailed explanation.

Certainly! To prove that the value of 7sinx + 3cos2x cannot be greater than 5/24 for all values of x between 0 degrees and 360 degrees, we can take the following steps:

1. Recall that the maximum value of sinx is 1 and the maximum value of cos2x is 1 as well. Therefore, the maximum possible value of 7sinx + 3cos2x is 7(1) + 3(1) = 10.

2. Now, we need to find the minimum value of the expression (2sinx - 3)(3sinx + 1) to determine if it can be greater than 5/24.

3. To find the minimum value, we analyze the critical points where the expression is either zero or undefined. In this case, the critical points occur when (2sinx - 3) = 0 or (3sinx + 1) = 0.

a) When (2sinx - 3) = 0, we solve for x:
2sinx - 3 = 0
2sinx = 3
sinx = 3/2 (which is not possible)
Since sinx cannot be greater than 1, there are no critical points here.

b) When (3sinx + 1) = 0, we solve for x:
3sinx + 1 = 0
3sinx = -1
sinx = -1/3
Since sinx cannot be less than -1 or greater than 1, the only critical point is x = arcsin(-1/3) ≈ -19.47 degrees.

4. Now, since we are considering values of x between 0 degrees and 360 degrees, the expression (2sinx - 3)(3sinx + 1) is continuous within this interval except at x = -19.47 degrees.

5. To prove that the value of 7sinx + 3cos2x cannot be greater than 5/24 for all values of x between 0 degrees and 360 degrees, we need to evaluate the expression at both endpoints of the interval: x = 0 degrees and x = 360 degrees.

a) When x = 0 degrees:
(2sin(0) - 3)(3sin(0) + 1)
(0 - 3)(0 + 1)

b) When x = 360 degrees:
(2sin(360) - 3)(3sin(360) + 1)
(0 - 3)(0 + 1)

6. As both endpoints yield the result -3, which is less than 5/24, we can conclude that the value of 7sinx + 3cos2x cannot be greater than 5/24 for all values of x between 0 degrees and 360 degrees.

Therefore, the proof is complete.