what is the meter of line 27?

"one by one towns pass by"

A. stressed, unstressed, stressed, unstressed, stressed, unstressed, stressed

b. unstressed, stressed, unstressed, stressed, unstressed, stressed, unstressed

c. unstressed, unstressed, stressed, unstressed, unstressed, stressed, stressed

d. stressed, stressed, unstressed, unstressed, stressed, unstressed, stressed

It's a.

We wouldn't normally stress the word, "by."

"ONE by ONE towns PASS by"

What do you think?

My guess is C, am I right?

No. Say it aloud to yourself, trying each of the possibilities and see which one works best.

Ok, I think it's B

I honestly don't understand it

Yes i got it right woho


To determine the meter of a line of poetry, you need to analyze the syllable pattern and stress patterns within the line.

Let's break down the line "one by one towns pass by" and identify the stressed and unstressed syllables.

One by one towns pass by:
- "One" is usually stressed in English verse, so it's a stressed syllable.
- "by" is usually an unstressed syllable.
- "one" is usually an unstressed syllable.
- "towns" is usually stressed.
- "pass" is usually unstressed.
- "by" is usually an unstressed syllable.

So, if we mark the stressed syllables with "/" and the unstressed syllables with "x", the pattern would be:

x / x / x /

Now, you can compare this pattern to the answer choices given.

a. stressed, unstressed, stressed, unstressed, stressed, unstressed, stressed
b. unstressed, stressed, unstressed, stressed, unstressed, stressed, unstressed
c. unstressed, unstressed, stressed, unstressed, unstressed, stressed, stressed
d. stressed, stressed, unstressed, unstressed, stressed, unstressed, stressed

By comparing the patterns, it matches option c: unstressed, unstressed, stressed, unstressed, unstressed, stressed, stressed.

So, the correct answer is c. unstressed, unstressed, stressed, unstressed, unstressed, stressed, stressed.