I'm reading my book and from what i'm getting here is that the progressives demanded a more activist government but what im not understanding is how they justified their demands.

Is it possible they expected their government to look out for human needs, and ensure that the common good was met?

To understand how the progressives justified their demands for a more activist government, we need to delve into the historical context of the Progressive Era in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in the United States. During this time, rapid industrialization, urbanization, and social changes posed significant challenges and inequalities in American society.

The progressives were reformers who believed that government should address these societal problems and actively promote social, economic, and political reforms. Here are four main justifications they used to support their demands:

1. Social Justice: Progressives argued that an activist government was necessary to address existing social injustices. They advocated for workers' rights, improved labor conditions, and regulation of industries to protect vulnerable individuals from exploitation. They believed that a fair and equitable society required government intervention to ensure a level playing field for everyone, including the working class and marginalized communities.

2. Economic Regulation: Progressives pushed for government intervention in the economy to counter the negative effects of unregulated capitalism. They believed that concentrated wealth and corporate power resulted in vast income inequalities, monopolies, and unfair business practices. They sought to establish regulatory agencies to oversee industries, enforce antitrust laws, and promote fair competition.

3. Public Health and Safety: Progressives argued that an activist government was necessary to protect public health and safety. They advocated for the regulation of food and drug industries to ensure product safety, as well as for the implementation of public health measures such as sanitation reforms, access to clean water, and disease prevention. They believed that government intervention in these areas could significantly improve the overall well-being of society.

4. Political Reform: Progressives called for political reforms to increase citizen participation, ensure government accountability, and combat political corruption. They sought to eliminate political machines that controlled local politics, reduce the influence of big businesses on elections, and promote transparency and accountability in government. They believed that by empowering citizens and removing barriers to a participatory democracy, government policies would better reflect the will and interests of the people.

The justifications used by the progressives were rooted in their observations of the societal problems arising from unregulated capitalism and the belief that an active and responsible government had a crucial role to play in addressing these issues. They sought to create a more equitable, efficient, and responsive society through government action and reform.