1. Which of the following illustrates mechanical weathering?

A.Carbonic acid weathers marble and limestone.
B. As plants grow, they produce weak acids that slowly dissolve rock**
C. Oxidation causes weathering in rock
D. Repeated freezing and thawing in rocks causes weathering

2. A deep canyon in the ocean floor is called

A. abyssal plain
B. seamount
C. trench**
D. continental shelf

If you are on connexus lesson 3 quiz unit 4 These answers are 100% correct I just took the quiz

1. B
2. A
3. D
4. A
5. D
6. C
7. D
8. C

Hope you guys have fun!

1. D

2. C

Trust me I'm correct.

Helper is correct, thanks!

These answers are 100% correct i got a A on my test for lesson 3 unit for answers are B, A, D , A, D, C, D, C THESE ARE THE CORRECT ANSWERS YOU WILL GET A 100% TRUST ME 😋😋

I chose B for 1

Sorry -- I had a typo.

1 B is not right. Acids are not part of mechanical weathering.


Blah is correct



This is sooooo wrong... I got a 25%


Is this for unit 2 lesson 3?

It's S on 1

1. a - no

2. c - yes