Sam is 9 years older than angel. Six years from now, Sam age will be thrice the age of angel 3 years ago. Find their present ages.

Please help me with this. ASAP. Thanks

Let x be Sam's age and y be Angel's age.

"Sam is 9 years older than Angel."

x = y + 9

"Six years from now..."
x + 6

"...thrice the age of Angel 3 years ago".

3(y - 3)

x + 6 = 3(y - 3)

To solve this problem, we need to set up equations based on the given information and solve them simultaneously.

Let's assign variables to represent Sam's and Angel's ages:

Let S = Sam's present age
Let A = Angel's present age

Based on the problem, "Sam is 9 years older than Angel," we can write the equation: S = A + 9

The problem also states that "Six years from now, Sam's age will be thrice the age of Angel 3 years ago." This gives us another equation:

(S + 6) = 3(A - 3)

Now we have a system of two equations:

S = A + 9
S + 6 = 3(A - 3)

To solve the system, we can use substitution or elimination method. Let's use substitution:

Substitute the value of S from the first equation into the second equation:

(A + 9) + 6 = 3(A - 3)


A + 15 = 3A - 9

Isolate the variable:

15 + 9 = 3A - A

24 = 2A

Divide both sides by 2:

A = 12

Now that we know Angel's present age is 12, we can substitute this value back into the first equation to find Sam's present age:

S = A + 9
S = 12 + 9
S = 21

Therefore, Sam's present age is 21 and Angel's present age is 12.

In summary, Sam's present age is 21 and Angel's present age is 12.