What's the prefix suffix and root meaning of spouting

Spout is the root word. There is no suffix.


Whats the prefex and suffix for spouting

To determine the prefix, suffix, and root meaning of a word, we need to break it down into its components.

In the case of "spouting," we can identify:

1. Prefix: "s-" (The "s-" prefix indicates a state of being or action, often used to form verbs.)
2. Root: "spout" (The root is the main part of the word that carries its core meaning.)
3. Suffix: "-ing" (The "-ing" suffix is used to form present participles, which indicate ongoing actions.)

So, in this case, the prefix "s-" indicates the state or action of something, the root "spout" refers to a tube or spout from which liquid or gas is emitted forcefully, and the suffix "-ing" indicates an ongoing action.

Putting it all together, "spouting" refers to the ongoing action of forcefully emitting liquid or gas through a tube or spout.