body parsgraphs and topic outline and working references list check point

Let me guess. Axia University. No verbs. No question. No punctuation.

Do you have a question?

my topic was to be on literacy in the public education system.

To check the organization and effectiveness of body paragraphs, topic outlines, and working references lists, you can follow these steps:

1. Body paragraphs:
- Read through each body paragraph and identify the main idea or topic sentence.
- Analyze if the supporting sentences within each paragraph provide clear and relevant details, evidence, examples, or explanations to support the main idea.
- Check for coherence and logical flow between paragraphs, ensuring that each paragraph progresses smoothly from one idea to the next.
- Assess if the paragraphs are well-structured and properly formatted, with appropriate transitions to ensure a seamless flow of information.

2. Topic outline:
- Review the outline and ensure that it provides a clear overview of the main topics or key points of your content.
- Check if your outline follows a logical hierarchy, using headings and subheadings to indicate the relationships between different topics.
- Verify if each topic or subtopic is adequately developed with supporting details or sub-points.
- Assess if the outline effectively organizes the content and enables a smooth progression of ideas.

3. Working references list:
- Compare the references listed to the guidelines or citation style you are following (e.g., APA, MLA) and ensure they are formatted correctly.
- Check if all the necessary bibliographic information is included for each reference (e.g., author(s), publication year, title, source).
- Verify if in-text citations correspond to the references listed in the working references list and vice versa.
- Assess the credibility and relevance of the references used, ensuring they support and enhance your content.

By following these steps, you can thoroughly check the organization and effectiveness of your body paragraphs, topic outlines, and working references list. It's important to remember that these check points may vary depending on the specific requirements and guidelines provided by your instructor or the style guide you are expected to follow.