Indonesia, Japan, and the Philippines differ from other parts of Southeast Asia because they are



For unit 2 lesson 1 in connxus topic Regional Overview are

1.) B
2.) D
3.) A,B,C
hopes this helps someone cause I know that it can be hard to understand your work I have been in connexus for about 5 years so there you are...!!!

1 is B

2 is D
3 is A, B, and C

Thanks so much Bri 100%

thanx bri

Thanks Bri you da best :D


ABC is correct trust me I got 5 out of 5.
Don't worry just plop these answers in and sit back and relax.

Oh thank you Bri you are totally correct

Bri is right 100%

Bri is correct.

Tanks you

Indonesia, Japan, and the Philippines differ from other parts of Southeast Asia because they are

more mountainous.
island nations.
less populous

page says it does not exsist

Landlocked I think

Wait so what is the answer ?

i need help

Not all heroes wear capes.


B, D, ABC is correct.

Thanks, ya'll are correct

i need answers for the quiz


@Dojo some wear iron 🤩

Japan is not usually considered part of southeast Asia. Here is a site with several maps of the region.

no he aint it said I made a 65.6

Obviously you've ignored the map I linked above. If you're going to post questions here, please at least look at the information we volunteer tutors give you.

What happened to your manners?