A 24-hour digital clock is gaining three minutes every hour. If you set it to the correct time at 6p.m. on Saturday, when will it show the correct time?

To find out when the clock will show the correct time, we need to determine the total number of minutes the clock gains over a period of time.

In this case, the clock gains three minutes every hour. Since there are 24 hours in a day, the clock gains a total of 3 minutes per hour * 24 hours = 72 minutes per day.

Starting from 6 p.m. on Saturday, let's calculate the time it takes for the clock to gain a total of 72 minutes.

- From 6 p.m. on Saturday to 6 p.m. on Sunday is 24 hours, which means the clock will gain an additional 72 minutes.
- From 6 p.m. on Sunday to 6 p.m. on Monday is another 24 hours, resulting in another 72 minutes gained.
- The process continues in this pattern. Each day, the clock gains 72 minutes.

Therefore, it will take the clock 72 minutes * 7 days = 504 minutes (or 8 hours and 24 minutes) to gain a total of 72 minutes for each of the 7 days of the week.

To determine when the clock will show the correct time, add 504 minutes to 6 p.m. on Saturday.

504 minutes is equivalent to 8 hours and 24 minutes, so adding this to 6 p.m. will give us 6 p.m. + 8 hours (or 24 minutes) = 2 a.m. on Monday.

Therefore, the clock will show the correct time at 2 a.m. on Monday.