Waddell mountains have a species of birds that hatches two birds each week. Currently there are 7 birds. Write a function represent this graph?

p(w) = 7+2w

To represent the population growth of birds in the Waddell mountains, we can use a function that calculates the number of birds at a given week.

Let's define the function `calculateBirds` that takes the number of weeks as a parameter:

def calculateBirds(weeks):
return 7 + 2 * weeks

In this function, we start with the initial population of 7 birds. Then, we multiply the number of weeks by 2 to account for the two birds hatching each week. Finally, we add this result to the initial population to get the total number of birds.

To use this function, you can simply call it with the desired number of weeks as an argument, like so:

weeks = 3
total_birds = calculateBirds(weeks)


This indicates that after 3 weeks, the population of birds in the Waddell mountains would be 13.